Time Travel 1

If you are new to this site, please take a moment to read Intro to Automatic Writing. When you go there, you will find My Introduction from the book, Journey Within – Another Dimension Of Life. The introduction is brief, but it gives a good explanation of how this process (automatic or channeled writing) began for me. Please read that before you continue reading here—everything on this site will make more sense when you do.

The following poem is from “Always Rising.” In this poem, and in many of the writings, the voices speak of the dual nature of human life and how the non-physical part of who we are, has the ability to see beyond the physical.

“This skin that’s around me

A self that surrounds me

I look from the outside

But I see from within.”

As human beings, we are a composite of entities (physical and non-physical). The writings below are recent and they talk about it further.

“This dichotomy of human life, one inside, one out. One solid and dense, subject to the laws of nature—gravity and such—so restricted in movement. The other, without bounds, without form, able to do whatever it wishes.

Unrestricted in range, that part of us that is our thought, can travel back and forth in time, it can journey to distant galaxies in the blink of an eye. Our thought can create that which has never been created. In fact, the course of human history flows through a channel cut by human thought.

But what about you, as an individual? Where can you take your thoughts? And where can they take you? Let’s take a look.

Think about your early years as a child. What was it like? Happy or sad, fun, exciting, boring, adventure. Think of your very first memories, what were they? Mommy, Daddy, brother, sister, Santa, toys, whatever. Now go back before your memory, what were you? An infant, a toddler, good or bad, someone’s joy, someone’s nightmare, or someone’s childhood they never had. And before you were born, you were something else. Certainly those in your close proximity thought about you, how could they not? A thought of expectation, planning, and dreams of a future life, or fear of a future life. So many emotions, so much to do. Such rapid growth. Two almost invisible specks of life joined inside a woman’s body to become new life, to become a future person, to become YOU. More than a thought, a man and a woman, in love or possibly not, but life was created none the less, so many years ago. Be it thought, or love, or some impossible combination, you are here now reading about what you were, before you became who you are. Just a thought.

So, you see, time travel is not such a big deal. We can go forward in time just as quickly and easily as we went back. Not only this, but we can create—with our thoughts alone—that which has never been created, all in a moment.”

Find out how in Time Travel Two.

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Posted in Current Writings, poetry, Time Travel