Just A Moment

This blog is about automatic writing. If you are new to this site, please take a moment to read Intro to Automatic Writing. When you go there, you will find My Introduction from the book, Journey Within – Another Dimension Of Life. The introduction is brief, but it gives a good explanation of how this process (automatic or channeled writing) began for me. Please read that before you continue reading here—everything on this site will make more sense when you do.

If you read these posts in order, you may recall the impasse I had while writing the book Journey Within. In that post, I mentioned I would be sharing some of the poetry I recorded and subsequently published in the book Always Rising.

Precious Moments

Time is one of their favorite topics. Here is a poem about time, and what we do with it, from their perspective:

Precious moments are what we have while we are here

Every breakthrough happens in moments

Every smile, every discovery, every awakening

Indeed, every lifetime, in moments

Like nuggets of gold, lining the stream bed

Just waiting to be found, and once found

What will be done with them, where will they end

Building a dream, mending a fence, helping a friend

Or stored in hoards of greed

Buried, back in the ground

Some of the writings take you to a place where you can forget about time for a while.

 Peaceful and Serene

The winding road, our chosen journey through life

On occasion, we happen upon a pastoral scene

Perhaps a pond next to hillsides of lawns

With sand filled beaches, reeds and cattails, and a gentle breeze

Stepping on cool grass, fresh cut and sweet

We stroll down a gentle slope beneath lofty shade trees

To a liquid gemstone of aquamarine

We think not of the creatures beneath our feet

But they are there, right where they belong

Earthworms, spiders, ants, and bees

Creating what they know to create

And by the water, bullfrogs croaking, crickets chirping

Red winged black birds singing their happy song

Bellies full of crickets and worms—singing all day long

There is a rhythm to the day—a rhyme to the sound

Peaceful and alone—with life all around

They talk about eternity in poems, and riddles, like this:

Long ago

Before time was a clock

Before dirt was a rock

Before joy, and sorrow

And video games

A time before time

Before God had a name

Where stories of chaos

And stories of bang

Are blown to smithereens

The here and the now

The before and the after

And everything in between

Eternity like harmony

Comes and goes in waves

A universe is born at first

From ones that lie in graves

And this:


Every moment the first

Every moment the last

Every moment the future

Every moment the past

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Posted in Manifestation, poetry