Writers Corner 2

If you are new to this site, please take a moment to read Intro to Automatic Writing. When you go there, you will find My Introduction from the book, Journey Within – Another Dimension Of Life. The introduction is brief, but it gives a good explanation of how this process (automatic or channeled writing) began for me. Please read that before you continue reading here—everything on this site will make more sense when you do.

The first words I ever wrote through the process of automatic writing were, “BE DONE WITH IT”. That was in December of 2010. My wife and I had just separated, and I was having a hard time dealing with the fact that I was alone. At the height of my depression, I audibly heard those words. I couldn’t tell where they came from. I looked over my shoulder, I looked all around and I almost blew it off. But then I clearly heard, “WRITE IT DOWN”. Those words were just as emphatic as “BE DONE WITH IT”. So I wrote it down. I wrote a few other things following this first event, but the writing soon ended, and almost two years went by before I wrote again.

If you read my introduction, you will know of that brief instant of cognition I had with the homeless man. His story was pretty much the same as mine. His wife had also left him, and everything went downhill after that. That message rang like a bell. It was as if very suddenly, another dimension of my senses had been awakened. I began to look at everything I was doing from a different perspective, and I began to write again. The writing evolved into a sort of conversation between myself and unseen personalities. Sometimes I would ask them (the voices) questions, sometimes I would answer their questions. But mostly they spoke, and I wrote—it was an awesome experience. There is more to the story of course, but for now, I would like to share some what I recorded about this process called automatic writing, or channeled writing. These are their words:

“This action is like water that finds its way through an earthen dam, in a trickle at first. The flow gradually increases until a steady stream comes forth and continues. Ultimately, the dam will fail, allowing an unimpeded current of information to flow from one reality to another.”

“We speak in thought. Think of how quickly the mind can race through many different items. Here, in the higher levels of this unseen realm, thought is much swifter—everything is NOW. When information is transferred from this realm to the one you find yourself in, there must be a great slowing down of sorts, all while holding a fine vibration that is within the harmonic range of your current existence. There are many distractions on your end – part and parcel to your person. When the mental distractions are gone, information flows much smoother. This is key.”

“Wavelength Stephen, the chords (vibrations) of two different dimensions must coincide or there will be a weak connection at best.”

“The work is always there, awaiting the moment you decide to carry on with the task. So, take pen in hand and continue.”

“Go with the first words that come to mind. Corrections can be made after the writing is complete.”

“The words–write them down as they come. Do not ponder, do not contemplate and do not strive for perfection at this juncture. All these things hinder flow to the point of non-flow.”

“This is pure thought Stephen. More accurately, pure thought communicated from one plane of existence to another. This thought is then transcribed through your hand in black and white, ink on paper.”

“There is a rhythm that develops as one becomes comfortable with the process. As a stride is found, the position of thought changes, it moves in a direction that is not only beneficial to the one finding stride, but to all those in proximity to that one. So Simple – so, so simple.”

“Think of this action as smooth ocean waves generated from a source you cannot see; so very fine, with a gentle rise and a gentle fall—peaceful, yet powerful in their resolute destiny with shore.”

There is a complete chapter about communicating with the unseen inside the book. It recounts over twenty five quotes (which I directly heard) that discuss this link. There are also explanations and descriptions of how this process works. Here is one of my favorites:

“When two thought vibrations coincide, they create a resonance that pierces the dimensions. Then, like a needle and thread, they connect the dimensions, and for a moment, a free flow of information can take place.”

I continue to write and they still talk in detail about this process of communication between the spheres. Here are some recent recordings about self (they rarely used the word ego), and how thoughts of self hinder the transfer of information.

“Forget about self for a moment, and what others might think of your intelligence, or lack of it. To focus on the misspelling of a word is to lose the rhythm of the writing. While in the work, stay in the work—let it flow.”

“Do you see how the self gets in the way? When it does, it is like the diversion of a stream. Thoughts of self create their own little channels of thought that lead away from the main body of thought.”

I am not an automatic writing guru. I do not profess to know how channeled writing works. What you are reading right now is only my experience. I write down what I hear because it feels like that is what I am supposed to be doing, and I enjoy it. Some of the writing is good, some of it is not so good. Sometimes the words flow like water, other times, not so much, but I still try to write every day and it seems like the best writings come through when I am at peace with who I am.

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Posted in Writers Corner